Monday, March 14, 2005

Military Videos

The LA Times has an article on the military in Iraq. Many of the troops carry video cameras with them and film during combat, then return to their base, edit, and add hard metal music. Seems some of them are extremely gory. When their families see those videos, some don't react well, which leaves some of the soldiers puzzled because "that's their life" in Iraq. Other soldiers know their folks won't want to see them.

But many of the videos are now on the internet, and the brass knows that once they're out there there's no way to get them back.

This is one documented war, thanks to technology and the troops' desire to have people at home know what they're going through. Maybe they hope seeing their videos will help to discourage future wars. I don't think that we're madly developing robot soldiers. Consider the Predator robot planes already flying. The future, if technology succeeds in one side having robots and the other side not having them...well, can you imagine being attacked by an army of robots? Not unlikely. We have a couple of them that were supposed to "die" quite a long while ago, roving Mars even now.

The future...who knows?

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