Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Just Observing

Just Observing

Started to write something, changed my mind, began deleting, and damned near deleted half the blog address where this post will go before I realized what I was doing. The mind does wander once I look out the window.

Don't admire what I see either. The marine layer has moved back in and it's all gray sky. Sheesh!

One of the writers sent an email which perfectly gave his opinion of the bankruptcy bill. Have asked if I can post it. If he says yes, I will. That bill stinks to high does Bush's Soc Sec plan, to say nothing of his insistence that his tax cut be continued. What an ass he is.

A marine says the capture of Saddam in that hole in the ground was faked. You can read about it on UPI or

And today, Dan Rather wrapped up his anchorship on CBS Evening News. Sad. I really hate that. They really did a job on him.

Gonna read the morning papers...

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