Sunday, March 06, 2005

Just Observing

Just Observing

Guess we're a minority group with disproportionate influence!

"Currently, some 27 percent of online U.S. adults read blogs, and 7 percent pen them, according to The Pew Internet and American Life Project."

Another thought...Wouldn't it be great if the nation could have Eliot Spitzer as our Atty Gen rather than torturer Gonzales? Bush has this nasty habit of appointing dishonorable people to office.

Now here is a perfect example of wrong antecedent--the writers have been chewing antecedents over for a couple of weeks now. Finally asked Barb, who will nail any of us anytime when we use one. She says: "While pushing the 5th floor button, the elevator door closed on Joe's box." NOTE: Elevator doors do not push buttons! Got it?

Headline writers are notorious for writing wrong antecedent headlines and some are so hilarious that people publish examples of them. I thought of one: "As the boat drifted away, she looked at the moon." Hah! "She" being the boat. Boats do not look at the moon. Need a lady's name there. See what I mean? So don't do that!

Okay, you workers of the world, Sen Rick Santorum (Rep, PA) is doing his damndest to pave your way to poverty. Don't believe it? Just take a look at these paragraphs:

"Killing Overtime: It gets worse-- the 40-hour work week would be abolished and companies would not have to pay overtime if they cut hours the next week. The proposal is called "flex time", but workers would have no say in the matter. Their hours could be rearranged, upsetting child care and other weekly routines, and companies would no longer have the deterrent of having to pay overtime as a way to encourage giving workers a regular weekly schedule.

Banning State Minimum Wage Laws: But here's a kicker from a GOP supposedly dedicated to states rights. Santorum's bill would ban states from requiring employers to pay tipped workers with a guaranteed wage. Employers could pay tipped workers nothing and force them to live off tips, while states would be preempted from creating a higher wage standard for tipped workers."

Want to see the sickening rest of this scumbag's plans for you? Take a look at:

I'm for putting Santorum on the nearest Georgia chain gang...with no rights whatsoever, no pay, no mercy. That individual needs a strong taste of his own medicine.

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