Thursday, March 10, 2005

Just Observing

Just Observing

Just had an email bulletin from ABC that the Senate has passed the bankruptcy bill. So now it goes to the House, which says it will run the bill right through, no problem, so long as it remained amendments. And from there to Bush's pen. May his fingers all break and shatter into little pieces before he can sign it. No more than he deserves. Where's the mob when you need them? Sheesh!

Sat down to read Robert Crais's "Invisible Man" last night, got captured by it, and didn't get to bed until 2AM. Damned near finished that novel. And I will tonight. You betcha! Monster writer, that man is. He sucks you in so fast that time disappears and you notice not at all.

Perfect on the hotel patio this morn. J arrived before I did. Had finished all her breakfast but for a few bites of biscuit with grape jelly on it, and was reading away. I forget the name of the novel, but it was one I'd loaned her a few days ago. We pass 'em back and forth. She loaned me "Invisible Man" Tuesday at the writers' gathering in Old Town.

Little cloudy this morn, but blue and gold the rest of the day. Getting toward sundown now and I still have the mail and both morning papers to read.

Indy-weblog blogs gets more and more interesting every day. One of the members put together a list of all 437 bloggers' URLs and each one has the last three posts the blogger has written. If you'd like to take a look, go to:
She updates the whole batch, I don't know how many times a day. Talk about a varied group of people! I see that The Left Coaster's last post is headed: "18 Democratic Senators Sell Out Consumers To Pass Bankruptcy Bill Today".

My dad always used to say, "What goes around, comes around." Tell you what...I'd like to see some "coming around" descend on BushCo, Congress, Justice Dept, Cabinet Seats, regulatory agencies, Courts, and the whole damned mess of them who have followed along in whatever BushCo wanted or wants...and pay no attention to what the nation needs or say nothing of our troops and vets.

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