Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Down All Over...

Talking about a feeding tube for the Pope, since his breathing tube make it difficult for him to eat. Funny thing is, just read on Billmon that some time ago, the Pope told his people that he did not want any extraordinary measures taken....

And there's the Rev Fallwell in serious condition in hospital...2nd pneumonia attack...

Johnny C, OJ's lawyer, died today...

And somebody else is down too, but I forget who.

Suppose somebody is trying to tell somebody something? Sheesh!

Worse, Terri Schiavo's parents have sold the list of the names and email addresses of all those folks who donated money to help them and now those same folks are gonna be spammed like crazy by the right to lifers and heaven only knows who all else. And they talk about Michael Schiavo being after money? Gawd.

So, it being Tues, the writers gathered down in Old Town. Was great fun, as always.

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