Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Just Observing

Just Observing

Think I just lost a post...but it may come up later. It's happened before. In any case, a writer friend of mine just emailed me his comment on the bankruptcy bill and with his permission, I'll post it here. Far as I'm concerned he said it beautifully and he's dead right.
Here it is:

"I can't believe the Senate passed that bankruptcy bill. I've assisted with 55 bankruptcies in the past 14 months and 9 out of 10 had credit cards maxed out to pay bills, buy food and pay rent. The fat cats get bigger and the rest of us are put on a Government diet to make us money thin without taking a pill. One day very soon the have-nots and haves will no longer have a middle class to cushion the shock between the two - and then - all hell is going to break loose in this country."

There just isn't any way to put it better. Thanks, Ray.


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