Friday, April 15, 2005

Honk, honk....

Drove over to Jack-In-The-Box this afternoon because C had a taste for their food. Wasn't sure what, so we stopped at the menu before the ordering box. That's a one narrow lane place...and sure enough, before C had decided, a car pulls in behind us and in less than 30 seconds the driver began honking and gesturing to his passenger. I made a sharp "back off!!!" gesture out the window and he shut up. About five seconds later, we pulled on to the box and ordered...him tail-gating all the way. At the window, out came most of the food, so we're waiting for the rest and got told to pull up to the front door and they'd bring it out. Do I need to tell you that within a minute here's that guy behind us, honking again. Gave him the benefit of the doubt--maybe he was late getting somewhere or whatever--and drove up and made another round behind three cars. Better that than leave the car to "speak" to that s.o.b. and make a bad situation worse. I do think it would be a good idea to put the menu board back enough that other cars can pass if one needs to read it. It's damned hard to stay the hell in the car under those circumstances.

And thus the weekend begins.

Thank heavens for breakfast on the hotel patio first. Sandy, the head housekeeper, is in charge of the monthly employee party and today was their day. That gal could be the most in-demand party consultant in town if she ever decides to change occupations. Today, the theme is baseball. Last J and I saw, one of the guys was wheeling out the hotel's barbeque...and it's a beaut. Hot dogs and hamburgers and all the trimmings...including decorations. They have a terrific staff at that hotel and this is just one of the ways the hotel thanks them.

So the weekend begins...Party on!!!

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