Thursday, April 14, 2005

A fine job???...

S, one of the writers, emailed this this morn:

From the Sunday Oregonian's "Short & Sweet" column: "Other than telling us how to live, think, marry, pray, vote, invest, educate our children and, now, die, I think the Republicans have done a fine job of getting government out of our personal lives." --CraigCarter

So long as citizens can be distracted into paying attention to others' personal business, that's how long BushCo can keep us from thinking about nationally and internationally important affairs...and especially their screw-ups, which are many and consistent...and their lies, which are also many and consistent.

With despicable characters like DeLay still running loose--to say nothing of the craven GOP members of Congress backing him to their own detriment--corruption abounds. More they can ram outrageous and citizen hostile bills Bush's Social Security no-plan, the bankruptcy bill, and many others. None of which will do us any good, but a hell of a lot of bad. They really really do most heartily desire to eliminate all evil doers and nay-sayers and opposition of all kinds so they can run things their way whether we like it or not.

Just keep electing them to office and you'll get more than you're asking for...

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