Monday, July 04, 2005

Go get him, vets!

July 04, 2005
Bush's July 4th tradition
Posted 11:59 am
Bush, speaking in Morgantown, W.Va., this morning:

"The history we celebrate today is a testament to the power of freedom to lift up a whole nation. On Independence Day, we remember the ideals of liberty that led men from 13 colonies to gather in Philadelphia and pen a declaration of self-truths. And we remember the band of patriots who risked their lives to bring freedom to a new continent….

"The revolutionary truths of the Declaration are still at the heart of America: We believe in the dignity and rights of every person. We believe in freedom and equal justice, the rule of law, and a government of the people, by the people, and for the people."

What Bush neglected to mention:

Several thousand students, veterans, civic leaders and members of the military were expected to pack West Virginia University's downtown campus for the ticket-only event. Demonstrators were kept some distance away and could barely be heard.

In fact, this is the third consecutive 4th of July in which Bush has traveled to West Virginia. Last year, right around the time that Bush was telling an audience in Charleston that Americans, at our core, believe in "free thought and free expression," police took Nicole and Jeff Rank away in handcuffs from the public presidential event because they were wearing T-shirts that read, "Love America, Hate Bush."

Ironically, Bush said today that "defending the ideals of our founding has required the service and sacrifice of every generation." Why the president believes he understands the ideals of our founding remains a mystery.
Never forget that what BushCo says and what he does are two entirely different and opposing things.

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