Sunday, May 22, 2005

Homeland Security? Hah.

Talk about a screwed up mess! Take a look at this small excerpt, then go read the whole article:

Contracting Rush For Security Led To Waste, Abuse
By Scott Higham and Robert O'Harrow Jr.
The Washington Post
Sunday 22 May 2005

Scores of government reports, congressional testimony and interviews with dozens of government and business officials document rising costs and specific flaws in some of the major systems underway:

The contract to hire airport passenger screeners grew to $741 million from $104 million in less than a year, but the screeners are failing to detect weapons at roughly the same rate as shortly after the attacks.

The contract for airport bomb-detection machines ballooned to at least $1.2 billion from $500 million over 18 months, but the machines have been hampered by high false-alarm rates.

A contract for a computer surveillance network called US-VISIT to screen foreign visitors could cost taxpayers $10 billion, but it relies on outdated technology that puts the project at risk.
Radiation-detection machines worth a total of a half-billion dollars deployed to screen trucks and cargo containers at ports and borders have trouble distinguishing between highly enriched uranium and common household products. The problem has prompted costly plans to replace the machines.
"Costly" is an understatement. And the above is just the beginning of what has been costly, what is costly, and what's going to be really costly. Anybody who thinks Repubs can handle money well had better think again.

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