Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Bush the hypocrite..

Bob Herbert, writing in his column at has a few questions that two-faced BushCo won't bother to answer...probably won't even bother to acknowledge except with the usual bullshit...if even that. This is a pitiful, pathetic administration if ever I've seen one. BushCo would do beautifully as a dictator down in Africa, for instance. There is an incredible lack of decency. I doubt if there's ever been a thing that individual wanted that he didn't get, nor punishment for anything he's ever done. A more self-centered individual never walked the earth. There are reasons I think that, and some are below in the excerpt from Bob Herbert's column:

May 26 2005
With the Gloves Off

A photo of President Bush gingerly holding a month-old baby was on the front page of yesterday's New York Times. Mr. Bush is in the habit of telling us how precious he thinks life is, all life.

The story was about legislation concerning embryonic stem cell research, and it included a comment from Tom DeLay urging Americans to reject "the treacherous notion that while all human lives are sacred, some are more sacred than others."

Ahh, pretty words. Now I wonder when Mr. Bush and Mr. DeLay will find the time to address - or rather, to denounce - the depraved ways in which the United States has dealt with so many of the thousands of people (many of them completely innocent) who have been swept up in the so-called war on terror. (Go to the column and read on...)

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