Thursday, November 15, 2007

Lobbyists created a myth....

From David Sirota:

Election '08 Meets The Great Education Myth

By David Sirota
Campaign for America's Future, 11/15/07

Regular readers know my frustration with what I previously deemed The
Great Education Myth in an op-ed for the San Francisco Chronicle. This
myth, omniscient in our media and political debate, states that
America's problem with stagnating wages, job loss and benefits cuts
is a problem of education. If only workers were better educated, the
myth goes, their economic problems would be over.

This myth, which is a lobbyist creation designed to divert political
pressure away from reforming labor, trade and economic policies, was
most recently vomited up by a top editor and "expert" at one of the
largest magazines in America - and then obliterated by government
data and at least one leading presidential candidate.

To read the full post, go to:


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