Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bad things happening...

From Washington Post via truthout.org:

Peter Bergen and Katherine Tiedemann | Losing Afghanistan


From The Washington Post, Peter Bergen and Katherine Tiedemann, write: "The road between the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad and the Pakistani border is one of the busiest in the country, congested with gaily painted trucks, battered taxis, buses packed to the rafters and Afghans riding bikes. One morning in early March, a suicide bomber plowed a Toyota packed with explosives into the middle of a U.S. convoy patrolling that road, killing himself and injuring a Marine. That was bad enough, but what may be the key to Afghanistan's future was what happened next."

[Use link above to continue reading]



Deb said...

Breakfast as usual? Same spot? I'd love to meet you.

Watch 'n Wait said...

Yep. Breakfast at Acapulco on their sidewalk patio in Old Town between, say, 9:30-10:30. Be lookin' for you.

Watch 'n Wait said...

Deb...Due to T-Day, won't be at Acapulco till next Tues thru Thurs...