Monday, April 09, 2007

Blogger...all is forgiven!

Clicked on the URL and everything came up INSTANTLY!!! Cannot tell you how pleased I am. My world is once again functioning properly. This is good.

So...over on Kos, teacherken has a most excellent post on just what the results--sad--are for the use of NCLB. That is, that idiot No Child Left Behind idea.

And John Bolton is being his usual bull in the china shop self. Wouldn't matter except that he's the head of the World Bank, and is therefore in a position of power. If anyone should be deprived of power, he's in the top ranking.

Bush damned near blew himself up today, but was rescued--although improperly touched on the arm--by an employee of Ford. No comment.

And where is Gov Bill Richardson and Presidential Candidate? Sent to North Korea on a diplomatic mission. There is a valuable man.

Down in Crawford Texas, a group of absolute fools have put up billboards: Condi for President in 2008. Texas has been so contaminated by say nothing of Bush himself...that it's almost impossible to think they ever could have voted for former Gov Ann Richards.

Oh, how I miss Molly Ivins!


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