Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A quite different selection of books...

From Publishers Lunch Weekly:


Lucie Whitehouse's psychological novel about a group of friends whoserelationships intensify during weekends at a large country house with apast, pitched as The Big Chill meets A Secret History, to Susanna Porterat Ballantine; UK rights to Bloomsbury; and German rights to Fischer, byKathy Anderson at Anderson Grinberg Literary Management.kathy@andersongrinberg.com


Author of NYT bestseller Carved in Bone, Jefferson Bass's (the writing duo of Jon Jefferson and Dr. Bill Bass) two new books in The Body Farm Series, again to Sarah Durand at William Morrow, by Giles Anderson at the Anderson Literary Agency (NA).mailto:.gilesa@rcn.com


Neil Smith's BANG CRUNCH, a humorous story collection, to Lexy Bloom at Vintage, by Ron Eckel at Knopf Canada (US). reckel@randomhouse.com


Marc Jean and Christopher Carlson's PUDDLEJUMPER, in which an orphan named after the famous Chicago Cub meets his destiny when he spends the summer at a farm that was the site of a famous unsolved mystery, to Alessandra Balzer at Hyperion Children's, by Merrilee Heifetz at Writers House (NA).


Barbara Ransby's MRS. PAUL ROBESON, abou the wife of singer and stage performer Paul Robeson, exploring the woman who made her mark as a writer, activist, and scholar, forging relationships with important figures from Nehru, Khrushchev, and Emma Goldman, to Virginia Woolf and W.E.B. DuBois, to Chris Rogers at Yale University Press, by Jill Marsal at Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency.


Author of THE COURTIER AND THE HERETIC, Matthew Stewart's THE MANAGEMENT MYTH, developed from his Atlantic Monthly article of the same name, and which draws on his strange experiences in seven years as a management consultant to tell the larger story of how the ideas of management have transformed American life and culture, again to Alane Mason at Norton, by Andrew Stuart at The Stuart Agency (world).


Karolina Lanckoronska's MICHELANGELO IN RAVENSBRUCK: One Woman's War, the memoir of Countess Lanckoronska, wealthy landowner and professor of art history, who joined the resistance when the Soviet army marched into Poland, was arrested, sentenced to death, and held in Ravensbruck concentration camp, to Merloyd Lawrence at Merloyd Lawrence Books, by Random UK (US).


PHILADELPHIA LAWYER: A Decade of Cheating, Stealing, & Screwing in the Circus of Modern Law, based on the author's anonymous website, www.philalawyer.net, in which he posts brutally honest stories about his life and career that expose the legal profession's "absurd insistence that lawyers are agents of truth," to Matt Harper at Regan Books, in a very nice deal, by Byrd Leavell at Waxman Literary Agency. (NA)


Mark Johnson's WASTED, documenting the author's descent into addiction and criminality - which he not only survived, but went on to win the Prince's Trust Young Achiever of the Year 2005, and now helps other recovering addicts - a redemptive tale of a life reprieved, to Ursula Mackenzie at Sphere, by Mark Lucas at Lucas Alexander Whitley (World).


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