Monday, November 07, 2005

There were these 2 lawyers, see....

...and when I read the first page of this book, busted up laughing and bought it. Here it is:


The man in the holding cell loosened his tie, tossed his rumpled suit coat into a corner, and stretched out on the hard plastic bench. The woman in the facing cell slipped out of her glen plaid jacket, folded it carfully across an arm, and began pacing.

"Relax, Vickie. We're gonna be here awhile," the man said.

"Victoria," the woman corrected. Her angry footsteps echoed off the bare concrete floor.

"Wild guess. You've never been held in contempt before."

"You treat it like a badge of honor."

"A lawyer who's afraid of jail is like a surgeon who's afraid of blood," Steve Soloman said.

"From what I hear, you spend more time behind bars than you clients," Victoria Lord said.

"Hey, thanks. Great tag line for my radio spots. 'You do the crime, Steve does the time."

"You're the most unethical lawyer I know."

"You're new at this. Give it time."

"Sleazy son-of-a-bitch," she muttered, turning away.
And so begins "Soloman vs Lord"... a hilarious thriller by Paul Levine. Guess you know what I'll be doing this evening....


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