Sunday, November 06, 2005

BushCo sleight of hand...Watch out!!!

Watch That Pea
By John M. Kelley
Friday 04 November 2005

What the administration is doing while you're watching Scooter & Sammy.

It seems interesting to me that while all of the Democratic voices have gone gaga over the indictment of Scooter Libby and the nomination to the Supreme Court of Samuel Alito, the administration is continuing to tighten its control over the national economic/political process.

On the one hand you have Democrats swooning about how this is the beginning of the end for Bush and how the white knight Fitzgerald is going to slay the Neo-Con dragon. They are ecstatic that a majority of the country now sees the war in Iraq as a tragic mistake. They feel that high gas prices, stagflation and the national deficit are winning allies from independents and moderate Republican circles every day. I saw a political cartoon today that implied Rove, Cheney and Bush were all on the run and had fled the country.

On the other hand they are gearing up for a fight over Judge Alito, even before it is clear whether there should be one. The Neo-Cons are promising the nuclear option if Alito"s nomination is filibustered, while some Democrats are already promising to shut down the Senate if they can"t win. Recent polls have given them hope that they will gain public support for a filibuster if Alito can be portrayed as clearly against Roe vs Wade. The Democrats can almost smell a house majority in the 2006 elections.

Hokum, they aren"t watching the pea. First let"s talk about the things that are being ignored that are significant and then this roll the Democrats think they are on....
Note: read the rest here:


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