Sunday, September 18, 2005

Now here's a new book....

...the premise of which just floored me. From: Take a look:

September 18, 2005
Prayers for the Assassin: A Novel of the Future
Robert Ferrigno (Scribner, $24.95)

The U.S. as an Islamic state – except for the breakaway Christian-nation South. From the author of "The Horse Latitudes."



robert ferrigno said...

the premise floored me too. i spent a year researching and a year and a half writing it, and there wasn't a day that went by that i didn't think i was going to pcik up something on the publishing grapevine that somebody else had come up with the same idea. i must have a screw loose.
robert ferrigno

Watch 'n Wait said...

Hah! You may well have a screw loose but you'll have to admit it's a damned active one. Just the idea that half the US is Islamic and the other half Christian nation stands my hair up. If that isn't a brand new Civil War set-up, I've never seen one. More, neither Mexico nor Canada would appreciate that situation one bit. I can see why you took a year and a half researching. The more I think about it, the more complex it gets. No question but that I'm gonna have to finally get over to the bookstore and see how the devil you solved that situation...more, how that situation came to be in the first place. And by the way, I loved the Horse Latitudes. :)