Monday, September 26, 2005

Bush proves Peter Principle...

From a writer:

"Once again, George Bush has proven the Peter Principle: in a hierarchically structured administration, people tend to be promoted up to their "level of incompetence". Or beyond, in my opinion.

First, he promoted Condy Rice to Secretary of State, after she demonstrated her incompetence as National Security Adviser.

And he famously promoted ex-FEMA Director Michael Brown and his boss, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, to positions for which they were way beyond their levels of incompetence.

And now he has appointed his dear friend Karl Rove to oversee the enormous task of reconstructing the Gulf Coast after the devastating storm… Karl Rove, a man who has zero experience in planning and managing giant, complex construction projects… Karl Rove, a man under suspicion of revealing the identity of an undercover CIA agent… Karl Rove, a man who will aid and abet undermining the livelihood and recovery of tens of thousands of residents of the Gulf Coast. After all, Bush has already issued executive orders negating the rule of paying wages at the prevailing rate for recovery operations, and following environmental regulations. Who could be better suited for the task than Karl Rove?

I am disgusted beyond words."


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