Friday, September 09, 2005

About as viscious an email as they come...

----- Original Message -----
From: Joan Ullom
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 9:15 AM
Subject: Fw: More about New Orleans
Oh, by the way, both my sisters are safe.
Since they are white and don't wait for someone to "come save them" don't expect to see them on the news. It isn't about being black or white, It's about stupid, lazy, and incompetent. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Our dear Governor, asked the powers that be for 40,000 troops. They said yes, but she didn't follow through with the paperwork giving her power over to the Federal Govt.. The Mayor of New Orleans, Nagin, also black, asked the governor for help, but told the press he was not overwhelmed. (His words exactly). He could not fill out the paperwork, (it was floating around somewhere, everyone promised to perform, but the law does not allow the Feds to come in and take over until all those under it, state and local have officially passed on the baton...So if you want to look at it in an Archie Bunker sort of way, a "yous people" and a woman screwed up. It costs hundreds of lives. The reason there were so many blacks, is because the whites were hiding in the hotels, and homes, having been warned not to show their white faces on the streets, because there was almost no police presence. So the cameras showed mostly black faces. The whites were scared and I don't blame them. Additionally, New Orleans is 75% black, live close to the downtown area, where there is public transportation. The whites live in the burbs (they have cars), and on St. Charles Street. Most left. It did not flood in the garden district, so they stayed in their homes where they had food and water and shelter and guns. They did not have electricity but most had cells phones and cars and were able to leave the city via Interstate 10 or call for assistance. But that was not where the story was so the press got and told the story they wanted to tell. I know this because I live on the North Shore, and got zero coverage...And Slidell that got wiped off the map, 10 miles from downtown New Orleans also got no press because they are white communities. Slidell flooded, Mandeville flooded, and people died, but we don't make for a sensational story. Only the Baton Rough TV stations told our story. Don't believe everything you here on the big stations, it's only a small slice of the whole story.You might want to pass this info on to some unsuspecting people who have once again been brainwashed by the media. I suggest we impeach our stupid wimpy woman governor before she kills someone else. Incidentally, she confessed her error on local TV. She will not be reelected.

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