Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The America Coalition!!!

06/08/05: As Bush Fails, The America! Coalition Demands A Realignment of Priorities
June 7, 2005 (Washington, DC) --

The America! Coalition (TAC) has called on the Bush Administration to radically rethink its failing second-term agenda amidst growing public sentiment, reflected in recent polls, showing that the President's priorities are out of touch with the concerns of most Americans.

"This latest poll from ABC and The Washington Post confirms a continuing trend. Second terms are fleeting, and America cannot afford these four years to go wasted due to this Administration's severe miscalculations," said Oliver Willis, TAC co-director.

"This Administration's second-term agenda has gone down in flames before it even got off the ground," said TAC co-director Shant Mesrobian. "It's an agenda aimed at phasing out and dismantling American traditions that have made our country what it is today. Rather than trying to sell the public a radical, backward-looking bill of goods, its time the President gets serious about strengthening those American traditions."

According to a June 8 Washington Post report, a Washington Post-ABC News poll found that a "clear majority of Americans say President Bush is ignoring the public's concerns and instead has become distracted by issues that most people say they care little about."
Link America's Promise


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