Friday, August 19, 2005

You knew about this?!!!


The Roberts nomination stinks as they say, "to high heaven." Not only is he being exposed as a rabid extreme right-winger, but also as a totally unethical lawyer. It turns out that at the very moment he was being interviewed for the possible Supreme Court appointment he was serving on a three judge panel on an extremely important case against Bush.

Naturally the decision was in favor of Bush.

This is a conflict of interest so blatant, so clearly in violation of any rules of legal behavior, as to be absolutely mind-boggling. But don't bet the Democrats won't just lie down again and let him be appointed. At least Leahy and Kennedy, and perhaps a couple of others will oppose him but I think the deal has already been made. If he is appointed it will be a sad day for America, unless you are a raving lunatic like Robertson and Falwell.

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