Sunday, August 21, 2005

Make it so!!!

An excerpt from ...

I don't know for sure but I cannot help but believe this may be "the lull before the storm."

Fitzgerald may finally decide to indict someone, the Iraqis may fail to come up with a constitution, Bush and Rumsfeld are both scheduled to appear before Congress, Sybil Edmonds is still pursuing her charges, Rumsfeld is being sued, Bush cannot escape from the scrutiny of Cindy Sheehan and her growing band of followers. There is going to be a massive march on Washington on September 24th. Something may actually happen in the Tom DeLay scandal. The Ohio Republican party is in truly deep do-do. Immigration is becoming a national scandal. The nation is finally waking up to the realization that Bush/Cheney and the neocons lied to start an illegal and unnecessary "war" in which American troops continue to die on a daily basis. We now have an absolutely unprecedented national debt, the neocons want to attack Iran (but happily don't have the troops to do it), Arlen Spector has rebuked Rumsfeld for his stupid attack on Chavez and Venezuala, Bolton is just beginning his attack on the UN, and on and on. Something, it seems to me, is going to have to give in the not too distant future.

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