Friday, February 13, 2009

Labor Rights to eating Coal Ash....

From Facing South:

Facing South is your source for in-depth coverage and fresh perspectives on the South, published by the Institute for Southern Studies.

DATELINE: THE SOUTH - News and trends

VOICES: LABOR RIGHTS ARE CIVIL RIGHTS: This week marks the 100th anniversary of the NAACP, an organization that has fought not only for civil rights but a broader progressive agenda. We look back at a 2007 address in which outgoing NAACP Chair and Institute co-founder Julian Bond draws the connection between black freedom and workers' dignity. (Facing South, 2/12/2009)

COAL ASH IN YOUR VEGGIES?: Coal combustion waste -- like the stuff that spilled from the TVA Kingston power plant back in December -- is being spread on food crops across the South. But just how safe is the practice, which isn't regulated by the federal government? (Facing South, 2/6/2009)


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