Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Ramona Forum Impeachment group....

From Dave Patterson:

Complain at your own risk

At the Ramona Fair this weekend several citizens stopped by the Ramona Forum
Impeachment booth, suggesting that we should not be allowed to protest
against the Iraq war, nor the President, while the nation is at war. The
complainers were addressing our right to assemble and protest, guaranteed
under the 1st amendment to the Constitution.

The obvious question that came to mind was, could the complainers think of
any other of our rights that should also be suspended while we are at war,
and who should be able to decide which liberties should be suspended? As an
example, would it be OK for the President or his designee to have the power
to suspend my right to protest? Or, should the President also have the
right to suspend Habeas Corpus, the right to demand to see the charges
against someone held by the government? Should the President have the right
to invade our privacy, or to seize our homes and assets because we voice our
disagreement with the actions of the government?

It could be that the complainers at the Ramona Fair will soon have their
way, because since President Bush took office he and the Congress have
deliberately moved ahead with the shredding of our Constitutional rights.
As an example, Congress gave the President the power to suspend Habeas
Corpus in the military commissions act of 2006. This act can easily be
interpreted as applying to we citizens as well as foreigners. So maybe they
can lock us up and no one will have the right to even ask what we are
charged with.

Utilizing the actions of a Congress in a hurry to surrender their power, and
a springboard toward tyranny, President Bush has declared through
Presidential order that he has the right to seize the assets of anyone that
is perceived to be getting in the way of the prosecution of the war in Iraq.
The complainers will likely be happy to understand that as I read this
order, it can be applied to members of Congress that vote to cut funding off
the war, or to those of us that protest against it.

In the National Security Presidential Directive/NSPD51 the President has
declared that he has the right to declare a national emergency and invoke
martial law, suspending all our rights as citizens and the Constitutional
government as we know it. Perhaps the complainers will be happy to know
that if this happens the Bush government will then control the complainers
businesses. The complainers should be aware however that complaining to
their Congressman at that point wouldn’t help because Congress will be out
of business.

Finally, the Military Commission Act, S390, gives our senior administration
individuals a get out of jail free card when ordering torture of detainees,
in violation of international law.

So, if the complainers are reluctant to telephone a friend that has publicly
disagreed with government policy, because they are afraid of being tagged
undesirable by our government, then the complainers will have no right to
complain when the government seizes their weapons by suspending their right
to bear arms as well. Nor do they have the right to complain when the
government, directed by George W. Bush or his designee informs us that
martial law has been declared and all our rights under the Constitution have
indefinitely been suspended.

This is why we at the Ramona Forum protest in the streets, and man the
impeachment booth at the fair. Because the complainers and the citizenry in
general know not what their government is doing. We at the Ramona Forum are
trying to awaken the public to the threat our government now imposes to our
liberties. The complainers might want to start to be nervous however, as
most of the Presidential orders listed in the reference documents here have
recently been removed from the White House website.

Dave Patterson
1003 6th street
Ramona, CA 92065


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