Saturday, August 04, 2007

Our troops & their people...owe it all to BUSHCO....

From Information Clearing House :

A Week in the Death of Iraq

By Dr. Mohammed

When will I die? That's the question circling in my head when I awake on Wednesday. I'm sweating, as usual. My muscles ache from another long night of no electricity in weather only slightly cooler than hell. As I dress for work, other questions assail me: How will I die? Will it be a shot in the head? Will I be blown to pieces? Or be seized at a police checkpoint because of my sect, then tortured and killed and thrown out on the sidewalk?

From Sadr City with "Love"...

By Layla Anwar

The sectarian shia militias are the enemy number.1 along with the American occupying forces. Their brutality emanates from a sick mind and a sick soul. These psychopaths are a public danger. But guess what ? Your equally psychopathic government has put them in place to rule what once was a great nation.

The Calamity of Disregard

By Richard Norton-Taylor

It is now chillingly clear: MI6's pre-Iraq warnings were swept aside by an obsessed White House.

Baghdad Misery Index: 117 Degrees, No Water:

Jamil Hussein, 52, a retired army officer in northeast Baghdad, said his house has been without water for two weeks, except for two hours at night. He says the water smells and is unclean. Two of his children have severe diarrhea a doctor attributed to drinking what tap water was available, even after it was boiled.

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