Saturday, January 28, 2006

A word for the Democratic Senators on filibuster...

I take issue with Capitol Hill Blue's resistance to filibustering Alito's nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States. He feels it's a waste of time and due to fail and that will make the Dems look weak.

Well, tell you what...if they don't filibuster, they'll prove they're weak and not worth electing come Nov 2006.

Remember this? "It's better to have tried and failed than not to have tried at all."

How about this? "You're either with us or against us."

Well, the "us" in this case happens to be the citizens of this nation who care about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Ever hear of courage?

Who the hell cares if they, being courageous, try and fail? At least they did try, did give it their best, and most importantly, they stood up for us.

What were our troops fighting for when they attacked Afghanistan's Taliban and al Queda after 9/11? Our freedom. Our liberty. Our Bill of Rights. Our Constitution.

Which, by the way, this president who so badly wants to be dictator, swore to uphold. He lied.
What that individual wants is to get Alito on SCOTUS because Alito will assist him in getting almost unlimited powers.

This nation needs a head of state like that like a hole in the head.


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