Friday, October 07, 2005

The 3 Bs: Bullets, Billions, Blood...

From: An excerpt:

Oh, but we've become a bloodthirsty lot, we the lovers of freedom, truth and light. But let's see just what the bullets, blood and billions have bought us.

First the good news.

For your (and your grandchildren's future) hard-earned cash, the US is now the proud owner of 14 semi-permanent army bases (named, appropriately, after oil companies) Paul Bremer, George Bush, and their supporters have quietly legalized themselves into an estimated 3 trillion in oil revenues, and, with truly Mephistophelean evil ingenuity, managed to engineer the Iraq people into paying for the cluster bombs, napalm and depleted uranium being used to kill them.

The 120 contractors who contributed the most to Republican candidates ($2.5 million) have made a 20,000-fold return on their investment ($53 billion) -- enough money to bury a football field in over 35 feet of cash.

So what have we paid, in simple terms of bullets, billions and blood?

4 billion bullets in two years -- enough to exterminate the entire populations of North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Australia TWICE (South America 299,150,000; North America 365,000,000; Africa 743,000,000; Europe 512,000,000; Australia 18,972,350; Antarctica 86 [winter] 250 [summer]).

$200 BILLION dollars (which increases by $4000 every SECOND) -- a mound of cash 600 feet long, 120 feet tall and 150 feet wide. As an interesting aside, of this total, the GOP "Administration" managed to "lose" nearly $30 billion -- a mound of cash the size of a small apartment complex (oops!) But with the Pentagon now swallowing over half (51%) of the annual budget ($399 billion), who's gonna notice?

The average human normally has about 6 quarts (5.6 liters/1.5 gallons) of blood. Thus, with a total of 2,071 American soldiers and 100,000 dead Iraqis (50,000 of them women and children), we have now spilt well over 153,000 gallons of human blood, easily enough to water Bush's entire sprawling 1600-acre estate, repaint his 3387-square-foot home and that of over 650 of his neighbors, or keep his swimming pool freshly filled for years.

Though such latter-day Passover gestures certainly won't spare his mansion from the divine justice his own wrathful God seems determined to mete out, as Washington Monthly editor Stephanie Mencimer notes.

All this, of course, while the country is $8 trillion in debt (each citizen's current share at $26,842.12), increasing at an average rate of $1.62 billion per DAY since September 30, 2004.

Were any reputable businessman to do a more precise cost-benefit analysis on Bush's war, America's shareholders (you and me) would have bolted long ago -- long before the rain of indictments began to fall....


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