Thursday, October 20, 2005

BushCo: Talk about conspicuous GREED & LIES...

From American Progress:


Bush's pledge to "ensure that evacuees do not have to travel great distances or navigate bureaucracies to get benefits" has not been kept. In fact, benefits for the "scattered tens of thousands of current and potential Medicaid recipients across the country" are not even available for them where they are.

Bush has asked Congress to "make even deeper reductions in the mandatory spending programs than are already planned," cuts that would especially hit Medicaid recipients hard. For conservatives, $10 billion in cuts still aren't enough. Although more Americans are turning to this essential safety net, the House leadership may more than double these cuts.


Instead of reducing "poverty with bold action" as he promised, Bush has heightened poverty with his bold actions. The $50 billion budget cuts proposed by conservatives in the House are aimed at cutting programs for students, families, and the poor. Only under intense pressure did the House leadership drop their plan to cut $500 million in food stamp aid for the poor.

But President Bush's new bankruptcy law has meant that it is more "difficult to file bankruptcy to gain protection from creditors, coming at a time when bankruptcy may be the only option for some Americans devastated by Hurricane Katrina."

At least the rich are getting richer. $70 billion is planned to go back into the pockets of the wealthy as tax cuts.


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