Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jon Huntsman is my candidate...

Finally somebody has entered the race for Prez that I feel fine about voting for: Jon Huntsman. Former Gov of Utah, former Ambassador to China, all around decent guy. He is a moderate/liberal Repub. Has a terrific reputation. Nice family. And decent stands on issues. I see no downsides. And no, he is not beholden to Wall Street or any other outfit or individual. Sure is nice to not have to compromise.



Scott Huminski said...

Obama's Sotomayor - Supremely Ignorant and a Supreme Criminal

Online book details the ignorance and outright criminal behavior of Barak Obama's First appointment to the Supreme Court. An appointee that will impact Americans for decades.

Details at:

Especially chapters 9, 11 and 12 although the entire book details evidence presented to Sotomayor of massive corruption and crime in Howard Dean's Vermont that she chose to endorse. Her behavior is criminal and violates the ethical rules governing the conduct of both judges and attorneys.

Sotomayor should be impeached.

Watch 'n Wait said...

So far, Huntsman is my candidate too. Really doubt I'll change my mind for all kinds of reasons.