Sunday, May 22, 2011

Voting For Prez in 2012....

Tell you what...I'm having a hell of a frustrating time trying to figure out who, if anyone, I'm gonna vote for in 2012. And I'm not the only one. At least one of my writer friends says she may not vote at all, given the lousy choices. More...we're both Dems. Or at least, we always have been in the past.

So this set of choices just stinks. Wish there were a viable 3rd party. Wonder why the Greens aren't really publicizing their candidate. Or are they? I have no idea.

Just really don't like being in this situation.



Li said...

Horrifying, isn't it? I've never missed an election yet, but lately it seems I am torn between voting the "lesser of two evils". It would be nice to just say none of the above and demand a fresh slate of candidates.

BAJ said...

Would that we could, Li. Guess it's called being between a rock and a hard place. Don't like it one damned bit.

Watch 'n Wait said...

I'm with you!