Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Progressive Dems ....

From a writer in San Diego, regarding Molly Ivins' wanting Progressive Dems up and running:

"There are at least two progressive Dem grassroots groups that are national in scope: DFA and PDA (Progressive Democrats of America). There is (new in 2005) a Progressive Caucus in the California State Democratic Party. Some of the progressive elected Democrats (Conyers, Feingold and others) have fairly good sized national organizations building. Kerry and Edwards do as well (if you count them as progressive – I do), and Boxer... There are other kinds of groups – Emily’s List, NOW, Planned Parenthood, Common Cause etc, and the unions – without the unions, do you think the Governator’s propositions last year would have been defeated? (hint: the answer is no.), Many people belong to many or all of these groups! (which inflates the numbers and screws all the bean-counters up but that’s another story.)

In short, there are groups already, they are strong and organized, and watch what happens this year in the congressional and gubernatorial races. Two other problems exist and they must be solved – elections are being stolen by Diebold and the like, and money is still the root of all political evil. I’m involved with two other local groups (more on those later) working on these issues locally and more people and action are needed. But things ARE happening. Anyone who wants to work on any or all of these issues, contact me – I can place you with the right progressive organization. [Leave a comment below or email me & I'll see he gets it]

I have to stop now – I still need to complete what I am going to say tomorrow at the Ethics Commission, as we try to change how lobbyists are handled in the city of San Diego. This will be my fifth monthly meeting, representing California Common Cause and speaking (with other citizens, primarily lobbyists) about how the city ordinance should be changed (the Commission was instructed last year by the City Council to prepare revisions.) It has been quite an experience.

- Simon.


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